• We can use the laser on any body part provided the hair has enough pigment in it. The laser cannot treat red, white or grey hair.

  • It feels like the flick of an elastic band against the skin, so not completely pain free. The skin needs to be heated to 70 degrees and our pain receptors activate at around 45 degrees so it is only natural that you will feel some discomfort. Our laser does, however, have Crystal Freeze Technology, which helps to make the treatment more bearable. We also use ice packs to help with this. Plus, the more sessions you have, the less discomfort you will feel as there are less hairs to transmit the heat of the laser.

  • Due to the unique nature of the hair growth cycle and biological factors, it is impossible to put an exact number on how many sessions each person will need. Most people respond well to anywhere from 6 - 12 sessions, but it could take more.

  • This will depend on which part of the body you are having treated. As a rough guide it is usually every 4-6 weeks for the facial area, 8 weeks for the under arms and bikini area and up to 12 weeks for legs and the rest of the body. The reason there is a difference in timing is due to when each area’s hair will most likely be in its Anagen growth stage - the stage where we can destroy the hair’s germ cell.

  • It was very important to us that when purchasing a laser that we could indeed treat every colour of skin. And, we can! We have 3 separate lasers: -

    a 755nm Alexandrite which is perfect for fair skin

    an 808nm diode perfect for most skin types but particularly those who are more olive toned

    a 1064nm ND YAG which is the safest laser to use for very dark Asian/Middle Eastern skin and black skin

  • Once the germ cells within the hair follicle have been destroyed, hair can no longer grow from it. However, there are many dormant hair follicles that cannot be targeted (as there is no hair inside it) that could grow hair in the future. We aim to reduce your growth by 80-90%.

    It is important to understand that each person is different and will notice success at different rates and number of treatments.

  • We offer laser hair removal to both male and female clients, however we currently only offer intimate areas for those with female genitalia.

    You must be over the age of 18 to receive any laser treatments.

    Some medical/health conditions and medications may mean that some people are not suitable for laser treatments. This is discussed during the consultation process.

  • Unfortunately, due to health and safety reasons no one can come into the room with you during your appointment. They are welcome to sit and wait in our reception area.

    Please do not bring young children who cannot supervise themselves.

  • When delivered by a qualified therapist, laser hair removal is a very safe treatment.

    You will undergo a thorough consultation prior to any treatment to assess your suitability and that the treatment can be safely carried out.

    The light emitted from the laser is an infra-red light, which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair and does not cause cancer, like UV light can.

  • 1. Permanant reduction in hair growth

    2. No more prickly skin from shaving

    3. No more razor rash

    4. No more having to grow your hair out to have it waxed/threaded/sugared

    5. Reduces ingrown hairs

    6. Long term money saving

  • Due to the nature of the treatment some side effects are to be expected. Common side effects are, but are not limited to:

    erythema (redness)


    slight irritation (feels like mild sunburn)


    mild burns

    These usually subside within 24 hours and are nothing to be concerned about.

    Another possible side effect of laser can be temporary or permanent changes to pigmentation - either hyper or hypo. To aid in reducing this risk it is extremely important to keep your skin out of the sun and away from sunbeds for 30 days prior/post treatment. You must also use an SPF 30 if the area is to be exposed to daylight. Even if there is no sun in the day, UV rays are still penetrating the skin and can cause pigmentation changes.

    In some very rare cases, clients may see an increase in hair, which is referred to as Paradoxical Laser Hair Stimulation. While there is no way to detect or prevent this occurrence, this hair can then be removed permanently by electrolysis.

    There is also a risk that some hairs can turn white. Like Paradoxical Laser Hair Stimulation, there is no way to know if this is going to occur, nor prevent it and the only option if this happens is to remove the hair with electrolysis.

  • Before we perform your patch test you will undergo a thorough consultation which includes questions regarding your current health status and full medical history. This is to determine if the treatment is suitable for you. To further assess this, we perform a few shots of the laser on the area that is to be treated to see how it affects your skin. If all is well, we can then proceed with your treatments.

  • It is extremely important during your laser hair removal journey that you follow your therapist’s pre and post care advise. This is to minimise the risk of adverse reactions and keep the normal side effects to a minimum.

    Pre-Treatment Care:

    1 . Do not tan or expose unprotected skin to the sun, or tanning beds for 30 days prior to your treatment.

    2. Avoid extreme heat 24 hours before such as hot tubs/saunas/steam rooms.

    3 . Remove any fake tan. Treatment cannot be performed if this is present.

    4 . Shave any hair in the area to be treated 24 hours prior. Do not wax/thread/sugar or use hair removal cream at all during your laser hair removal journey. The root of the hair MUST be in the follicle to be able to destroy it.

    5 . Avoid harsh irritants or products such as acids/retinols for 1 week prior to your treatment.

    6 . Remove any makeup, lotions, perfumes and deodorant prior to treatment.

    Post-Treatment Care:

    1 . To help keep the skin cool and ease discomfort please use a 99% pure Aloe Vera Gel. This can be purchased from us.

    2. Avoid vigorous exercise, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and swimming for 24 - 48 hours.

    3. Avoid exposure to sun or sunbeds for 30 days post treatment.

    4. Avoid harsh irritants or products such as acids/retinols for 1 week prior to your treatment.

    5. Use an SPF 30 minimum on the area when being exposed to DAYLIGHT, not just on sunny days. Continue to use this during your entire treatment journey and for 8 weeks once treatment has finished.

    7 . Seek immediate medical attention if: the area appears to be infected—honey-coloured crusting, oozing, and/or spreading redness; you experience unusual discomfort or bleeding; you have any extreme reactions such as fever, rash, difficulty breathing or other complications.